Your TOP Period questions ANSWERED!! You asked, we answered!

Your TOP Period questions ANSWERED!! You asked, we answered!


       1.When do periods typically start?

Most girls will have their first period between the ages of 10 to 14 years old. Currently, the average is 12 years old (and getting younger). It's hard to determine when a girl’s first period will be. Usually, they occur about two years after the first signs of puberty (normally breast development) and about a year after the appearance of pubic hair. Young girls will notice white or yellowish vaginal discharges during the few months before their first period. Several factors can influence the age of the first period, such as diet, physical activity, genes, weight, and overall health.


  1. Why are my periods not regular?

Periods are not always regular and can sometimes come a little before or after the due date. This is because the menstrual cycle lasts normally 21 to 35 days, and is regulated by hormones, the production of which can be altered by several factors. While some people say their period is perfectly on time, this is NOT the norm. In fact, only 30% of women have regular cycles for most of their fertile life. For most, the cycles are longer (more than 35 days), or shorter (less than 21 days). A one-week delay is considered absolutely normal. Either way, if your cycle is very irregular, it’s always best to consult your gynecologist for a check-up.


  1. Can I become pregnant during my period?

YES! If you are having sex during your period, and not using contraception, it can lead to a pregnancy. Even though the likelihood of getting pregnant is rarer during your period, it is important to know that it exists. The ovary releases an egg between the 12th and 16th day of your cycle. An egg can stay in the fallopian tube for 24 hours. The sperm must be present nearby in order to fertilize it. A sperm lifespan is approximately 5 days. Fertilization can therefore take place 2 or 3 days after intercourse. If the egg is not fertilized, it is evacuated during menstruation.


  1. Why do periods come more frequently?

If you began having periods less than 3 years ago, it may be irregular while your body is regulating itself. If they are still very irregular and you have had them for more than 3 years, you may want to consult a gynecologist. Keep in mind, it all depends on what we call irregularity. The body is not a machine, and does not act like a programmed computer. It is completely normal for a cycle to last between 24 and 45 days. An irregularity, once in a while, happens to ALL women at one time or another. If you are skipping several months a year on a regular basis, then this is no longer normal.


  1. Why are my periods lasting longer?

On average, a period lasts 3 to 7 days per cycle. When menstruation lasts for more than 10 days, it’s important to consult a gynecologist, as there is a possibility of something more serious happening that you need to have checked out. If this is due to your chosen method of birth control, you doctor may have advised you beforehand. It is always a good idea to investigate the possible causes and possible implications of this phenomenon. Keeping track of your cycle is key as it will help your medical professional to establish possible explanations. Possible reasons could be hormonal imbalances and your doctor may prescribe birth control to regulate. Many women tolerate these prolonged periods without consultation, which left unattended, can later on reveal disorders requiring medical treatment or surgery.


  1. Why are my periods only lasting 2 days?

The duration of a menstruation is variable, based on a woman’s age and stage in her life. On average, periods will last about 2 to 7 days, with a more abundant flow the first two days. Every woman is different and you will unfortunately not the specific answer to your question on the internet. A period lasting 2 days just once is no reason to get alarmed, this is quite normal! However, if this is reoccurring often, you definitely need to consult your doctor.  


  1. I’m not pregnant, why are my periods late?

There are many reasons why you may experience a late or missed period, and most of them, like stress, are not alarming. Your period can return to normal with a few positive lifestyle changes. It could just be a natural variation of your regular menstrual cycle. Many women experience month-to-month variations in their menstrual cycle, usually two or three days. Your period can therefore appear during the 27th day one month and during the 33rd day another month. However, in some women the variation is even greater: 46% of menstrual cycles can vary by 7 days or more, and 20% can vary by 14 days or more. Every woman has a different menstrual cycle, and as you get older and get closer to menopause, you may notice that your cycles are becoming more irregular. If you haven't already, tracking your menstrual cycles can help you determine what's normal for you by looking at your cycle variations. However, to rule out concerns, if your period does not start after several cycles, we recommend that you see your doctor for medical advice. 



  1. Why are my periods lighter than usual?

Normal periods last between 5 and 6 days. During the menstrual cycle, approximately 50ml of blood is released each day. However, some women have periods with an abnormally below average flow. This could be due to oligomenorrhea (low blood abundance during the cycle). As a result, the flow of menstrual blood is abnormally below average. Oligomenorrhea also caused a woman to have irregular menstrual cycles, with more than 35 days between two cycles. If your periods are consistently short (2 days or less), you should consult your medical professional. 



  1. I’m spotting, is this my period?

NOPE! Although light bleeding is considered normal, in some cases, it may indicate a health problem. The majority of women have experienced bleeding at some point in the middle of their menstrual cycle. There are many reasons why you might have bleeding, but when it happens just before your period, it is often due to fluctuations in your hormone levels. Bleeding before your period can be normal during a healthy menstrual cycle. If you are spotting but no not have a period subsequently, you should consult your doctor. 



  1. Can periods restart after menopause?

NOPE! In many cases, postmenopausal bleeding is caused by issues such as endometrial atrophy (a thinning of the uterine lining), vaginal atrophy, fibroids, or endometrial polyps. No, this is not normal. If it has been several years since you went through menopause, this is not a period, but bleeding. This is abnormal and you should consult a doctor. 


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